Monday, November 12, 2012

That's why I am here now

What are you thinking if I told you about "Petualangan Sherina" ?! Did you recognize it?! Yeah, that's the title of Indonesian children film. When I was in Elementary School, actually I forget the exactly my age at that time but the thing that I remember is I ever watch this movie with my family. That was my first time seeing a movie on cinema. We should took queue, and waiting for so long.

I ever had this one when I was in Elementary School, and now I don't know where this gone :'(

       The first impression that I got from this film was how beautiful the sceneries haha, I do really love it at the very first place with the sets. And that time, I knew where the pictures took place. That was Bandung, one of Province in Indonesia, they called it "Kota Kembang". Tacitly, in my deep down heart I said that one day I'll go to there, continued my study and visited that place. Maybe this is The Power of Dreaming, Allah decided me to come in Bandung, continuing my school. Alhamdulillah :)

        Yeah, this film successfully made me to dream high and Allah proved it. Although it just little hope. Meanwhile, there is few places I should visit such as Boscha. Do you know how really I love Boscha??? The answer is indeed I love it. Because I like seeing the stars and I love staring at the night sky ♥♥♥
That's made me felt so grateful and remind me that Allah still love me by giving chance everyday to see His Beautiful night. Even though I still didn't have any chance to go to there yet, but as soon as possible I'll be there, aamiin (^o^)9

 ♥ Boscha I'm in love ♥ ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Losing My Mind

-Tepat satu bulan yang lalu, Fitri bilang sama saya ada drama korea 
baru judulnya "King 2 Hearts", nah yang main itu Ha Ji Won
dan pemeran cowoknya itu Lee Seung Gi...

Awalnya nggak ngerti tuh siapa Lee Seung Gi, secara nih artis/ aktor
korea yang saya kenal yah cuma beberapa dan salah satunya
Ha Ji Won. Akhirnya tertariklah saya ikut nonton, saat itu 
nontonnya lagi di rumah Fitri di Bekasi dan kebetulan 
dia baru beli DVD-nya.

Dari episode pertama udah terpukau dengan akting mereka berdua, 
tapi ya waktu itu saya mah masih biasa-biasa aja liat si Lee Seung Gi.
Beda sama sahabat saya ini yang langsung ngefans sama si Oppa.
Saya cuma bilang sama dia, nanti kalo udah selesai nontonnya,
DVD-nya pinjemin ke saya.

Singkat cerita, DVD itu nyampe ke tangan saya dengan sebelumnya si Fitri
udah cerita banyak tentang pemeran cowoknya, Lee Seung Gi.
 Saya agak cuek waktu itu, secara saya belum nonton. Sampai pada akhirnya saya putar kasetnya, 
selama kurang dari 1 minggu, sebanyak 20 eps saya habiskan. Dengan konsekuensi
tiap malem begadang sampe jam 1 malem *kyaaa jangan ditiru :p* -

Nah itulah awal mula kisah saya kenal sama si Lee Seung Gi ;)
Kali ini saya postingnya pakai Bhs Indonesia aja yaaa, mau cerita banyak soalnya *bilang aja males haha :p*
Nah jadi setelah menghabiskan satu DVD itu, saya mulai ikut nimbrung sama sahabat saya yang lagi bahas-bahas tentang Lee Seung Gi. Entah kenapa waktu itu, saya tetep biasa aja, sama seperti waktu belum nonton filmnya. Sampai-sampai si Fitri itu kesel gegara saya banyak lupanya sama adegan di film itu, ya jadi kan kita ngobrolnya banyak gak nyambungnya hehe..
Sampai suatu siang, iseng-iseng liat tv. Eh ternyata ada iklan, kalo si Lee Seung Gi mau ke Indonesia buat ngadain konser. Langsung deh buru-buru sms si sobat Fitri, secara dia yang paling ngefans. Kira-kira isi dari sms-nya kayak gini :

Me  : Sobat fit, tau gak kalo si Lee Seung Gi mau ke Indonesia?? Ternyata dia penyanyi lohhhh

Fitri : Kan aku udah bilang sobaatttt, kalo dia mau ke Indonesia. Dan aku juga udah cerita kan 
          kalo dia itu penyanyi (--_--") arrghhhh

Me : Hah benarkah kamu udah cerita sobat? Kapan kamu ceritanya? :O

Fitri : Aihhh sobat ini >.<

*End message*

Hahaha, ternyata si Fitri udah banyak cerita dan parahnya selama ini saya KEMANA kalo dia lagi cerita o.O
So, that's my problem!!!

       Tepat tanggal 26 Oktober 2012 kan libur Idul Adha, dan kabar bagusnya hari Sabtunya kuliah di Liburkan. Si sobat Fitri mutusin buat pulang ke Bekasi dan si Nuna pulang kampung ke Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Jadi tinggalah saya yang stay di Bandung, dan saya dilanda kebingungan "Mau ngapain saya selama 3 hari kedepan??? :O".

        Salah satu hiburan yang tersisa adalah koneksi internet, maka mulailah saya surfing di dunia maya. Mulai dari kepo-in grup dan account orang sampai googling2 gak jelas hehehe. Sampai pada saatnya saya iseng-iseng buka Youtube dan nulis nama "Lee Seung Gi", dan munculah Clip video-nya. *Banyaaakkkk banget, ampe bingung milih yang mana*. Dengerin satu-satu lagunya, tapi masih belum dapet yang pas. Sampe akhirnya saya nemu link dia saat Debut di Jepang, kebetulan ini baru rilis bulan Juni 2012 dengan durasi 1 jam 29 menit. 

KYAAAAA >.< ,,,, 
Baru sekali denger lagu pertamanya aja langsung SUKAnya minta ampun deh *lebay sih,tapi beneran loh :p*
Langsung brb download videonya, dan buka google buat cari biografi-nya plus list album dan singlenya :D
Dikarenakan durasi videonya yang lama dan kapasitasnya besar, alhasil butuh waktu lama buat downloadnya kurang lebih 7 jam *itu mah gak lama lagi #plak hahaha*. Jadi saya biarkan nih si Lepy tersayang nyala semaleman, berdoa juga supaya koneksinya gak putus di tengah jalan.
Paginya di check, dan alhamdulillah download-annya berhasil tereksekusi hehehe
Waktu muter videonya, gak berhenti-berhenti teriak-teriak dan senyum-senyum sendiri. Ya Allah ini orang suaranya bagus bener >.<, belum pernah sekali denger lagunya langsung suka sama penyanyinya. Ya bisa dibilang Cinta pada Pendengaran Pertama, hahaha agak maksa sih tapi ini emang faktanya ^_^
Jadilah selama 3 hari liburan cuma diem di Kosan, kerjaannya download lagu, ngapalin liriknya, muterin video konsernya berulang kali *kalo di itung-itung udah 10x masuk playlist dalam sehari* :p
Kasian juga sih sama si Lepy tapi kok kayaknya gak bisa lepas buat gak cari tau lebih dalam hehe

       Esoknya waktu masuk kuliah, dengan tergesa-gesa dan penuh semangat membara saya cari si sobat Fitri dan duduk disampingnya dan spontan saya langsung bilang 

"Sobaaatttttt fit, lagu-lagunya KEREN!!! Dia-nya juga keren sobaattttt" sambil setengah teriak

Tapi kali ini giliran sobat fitri yang cuek-in saya dan waktu itu saya cerita gak abis-abis, pannjaaannggg banget. Dan akhirnya keluarlah celetukan sobat fitri 

"Kamu itu kalo dikasih tau gak pernah percaya sih"

Iya juga sih, hahaha
Dan mulai saat itulah kita mulai merencanakan buat pergi ke Jakarta, mulai dari searching-searching posternya dan fakta-fakta tentang dia :D

Lee Seung Gi's poster

Awalnya, kita gak ada niatan buat liat konsernya. Si sobat fitri bilang : 

"Kita cuma ke Jakarta aja, gak usah liat konsernya. Yang terpenting itu kita bisa satu Mall dan satu lokasi bareng dia. Secara kapan lagi  kita bisa satu negara bahkan di satu tempat yang sama lagi"

Saat denger ide-nya itu, saya ketawa. Kok bisa ada pikiran kayak gitu, tapi kalau dipikir - pikir ada benernya juga sih :D dan pada akhirnya saya setuju.

      Jauh-jauh hari sobat fitri udah bilang sama ayahnya buat jemput kita ke Bandung. Hari itu tepat tgl 3 Nov 2012 pukul 15.30 WIB setelah selesai kuliah aku, sobat fit, dan nuna berangkat menuju Bekasi. Tapi ternyata si Nuna memutuskan buat gak ikut kita dan dia memilih pulang ke Bogor, ke rumah abangnya. Sesampainya di Bekasi pkl 12 malam, saya iseng-iseng searching informasi buat konsernya besok dan mulai kepo-in offical account twitternya @FromAirenIndo. Dan ternyataaaaa, tepat pukul 6 sore tadi si Seung Gi oppa ngadain press conf, yang bisa di liat secara umum. Sontak saya panggil si sobat fitri, dan kasih tau kabar itu. Omooo, kita berdua langsung terpuruk dan terdiam, kesempatan liat si Seung Gi secara free pun kandas di tengah jalan. Seketika kita berdua lemes, berharap besok dia bisa muncul lagi di depan umum :(

Press Conference di MTA lt. 1 
Sampai jam 2 malem pun kita berdua gak bisa tidur, waktu itu kita sedang berfikir kira-kira esok seperti apa. And willy nilly mata ini harus di paksa buat merem, kalau enggak rencana yang telah dipersiapkan bisa gagal o.O

Esoknya, keluarga fitri udah siap nih buat nganter ke Lokasi Konser. Tapi kita berdua masih belum siap, masalahnya ada satu tugas yang harus di kirim via Portal hari itu juga dan ternyata Bapak Dosennya lupa belum buat draft-nya di Portal. Nah loh, kita bingung sendiri kan, mulai dari sms KM buat hub bapak Dosen sampe buka tutup Portal.

4 November 2012, at 09.30 AM

Akhirnya setelah berkutat cukup lama dengan masalah tugas, kita bisa juga berangkat ke Jakarta. Kira-kira dari Bekasi ke Jakarta itu perlu waktu 1,5 sampai 2 jam perjalanan. Selama di dalam mobil, lagu-lagu si Seung Gi oppa di puter. Dan kita berdua nyanyi-nyani sambil senyum-senyum sendiri sambil bayangin apa yang akan terjadi nanti. 
Pas mau nyampe di lokasi, terlihatlah tulisan ini =)

Liat tulisan ini, kita berdua pada histeris. Padahal belum tentu kita jadi nonton :p
cr : @FromAirenIndonesia

Ternyata kita sampe di lokasi masih terlalu awal, akhirnya diputuskanlah buat keliling2 MTA. Nah orang tua Fitri rencana mau cari makan di luar MTA, maka diajaklah kita berdua buat makan tapi berhubung saya ini takut kalo tiba-tiba si Seung Gi datang jadilah saya gak ikut makan. Saya milih nunggu di depan lokasi pintu masuk konser, sambil liatin para Airens yang udah mulai dateng. Dan ternyata tiketnya masih available sampe 1 jam sebelum konser berlangsung. 

    Mau kabarin si Fitri nih, kalo bentar lagi si Seung Gi bakal dateng, eh ternyata hp mati. Lupa kalo semalem belum di charge. Alhasil bingung sendiri mau ngabarin si Fitri gimana, takut ditinggal pulang juga. Cobalah cari pinjeman ke Security di lokasi, tapi sayang emang gak beruntung. Ternyata si bapak Security gak bawa hp. AHHH WHY?! :(

Akhirnya, bertemulah saya dengan bapak crew INDOSIAR yang baik hati, sebelumnya kita udah sempet ngobrol sih. Beliau sedang bertugas ngeliput acara buat ditampilin di TV. Beliau mempersilahkan saya buat men-charge Hp di tenda mereka, dan ternyata tenda mereka sebelahan sama tenda tunggunya si Lee Seung Gi. Dalam hati udah teriak seneng nih, eh tapi baru inget kalo ternyata saya juga gak bawa charger HP *impian bersebelahan dengan tenda oppa pupus sudah* >.<
Sendirian pun saya nunggu si sobat fitri sekeluarga, sambil liat kanan kiri. Ampunn, saya gak kenal satu pun, kalo pun saya di tinggal balik ke Bekasi, gimana cara pulang ke Bandung?! Tempat travel pun gak tau. Sampai akhirnya, setelah menunggu kurang lebih 2,5 jam, terlihatlah sebuah titik harapan. Sobat fitri akhirnya muncul :D

    Awal rencana kita cuma berniat datang ke lokasi konser tanpa liat konsernya, tapi semua berubah. Mungkin karena suasana yang greget banget, yang malah membuat kita berdua nekat MAU GAK MAU harus bisa liat dan harus bisa masuk ke dalam. Mulailah pencarian tiket ke agent-agent tiket di sekitar lokasi, negosiasi sana sini, tanya sana sini. Sambil nunggu negosiasi, saya sempet ambil beberapa pictures  ^-^

Omoo tulisan ini >.<
Setelah melalui proses yang panjang, akhirnya kita berdua berhasil liat Konsernya Seung Gi oppa :D
Dan antriannya kayak rel kereta :O

Suasana sebelum konser

Panjang kan antriannya? :O

Kita dapet lokasi yang lumayan enak, lumayan deket sama panggungnnya. Terus kumpul sama para Airens, anehnya kita gak ada yang kenal tapi waktu itu kita akrab kayak keluarga sendiri dan yang kita obrolin nyambung :D
Nah disini aku dan sobat fitri komitmen, selama konser berlangsung kita gak akan mengabadikan baik picture atau pun video. Kita berdua mau menikmati moment-moment langka ini dong, hehe. Sambil nunggu acara dimulai, kita ngobrol dengan Ade, salah satu Airen yang kita kenal di lokasi. Sebenernya kita semua waktu itu lagi deg2an banget nunggu si Seung Gi naik ke atas panggung.

         Sampai tiba-tiba suara teriakan para Airens mulai terdengar, kyaaa si Oppa sudah muncul. Dan lagu yang pertama kali dia bawakan adalah "Losing My Mind" lengkap dengan tarian aegyo-nya . Sontak semuanya pada ikut nyanyi dan teriak-teriak. Pada saat moment ini bener-bener speechless, rasanya kayak mimpi. Ini konser Internasional pertama kali yang saya liat dan itu adalah Idola-ku >.<bahkan si sobat fitri gak berhenti teriak-teriak. Setelah itu tiada jeda tanpa teriakan-teriakan para Airens. Bayangkan saja, gerakan si Lee Seung Gi saja udah bikin semua histeris. Lee Seung Gi senyum, semua pada teriak. Dia noleh ke kanan kiri, semua teriak. Dia baru ngomong satu kata., semua pada teriak. Pokoknya semua serba teriak-teriak. Persis sama salah satu scene film Spongebob, yang setiap kali dia muncul semua penontonnya pada tepuk tangan. Apalagi waktu dia ngundang beberapa Airens buat maju ke atas panggung dan ikut main games bareng dia. Sontak satu veneu langsung teriak-teriak gak berhenti-henti. Ketika itu, saya cuma bisa terpukau dan dalam hati saya bilang "Ya Allah, ini orang dari mana? Kenapa bisa ada seseorang seperti ini? Keren sekali oppaaa" *terlalu dramatisir yaa hahaha*

Pokoknya malem itu bener-bener GREAT, susah di ungkapkan melalui tulisan. Terlalu wow sekali :D
Bahkan sampai sekarang saya masih ingat detail-detailnya, apalagi waktu dia nyanyi sambil senyum. Manis plus keren banget lahh.....
aigooo otheokoe, gak bisa MOVE ON mamaaaaaa.....
Pokoknya puasssss (/^o^)/

Nah, sebelum pulang kita take picture dulu nih di dalem MTA, tempat press confr-nya kemarin. Tadinya berharap bisa foto sama orangnya secara langsung, tapi berhubung kita gak beli tiket VVIP-nya yang harganya luar biasa mahalnya itu, ya akhirnya kita cuma bisa liat dia diatas panggung.

sobat Fitri
Kalo diingat - ingat perjuangannya jadi ketawa-ketawa sendiri, dari awalnya yang cuma pengen satu lokasi aja eh malah nekat buat liat konsernya. But so far, tidak ada yang disesalkan. Pokoknya kalo dia konser lagi, saya harus bisa beli tiket VVIP-nya (9*o*)9

*ps : mianhae, kayaknya ini postingan yang paling panjang yang pernah saya buat dan paling alay kata-katanya hahaha. Tapi gomawo yang udah mau baca =))*

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Open Mind of English Community 2012

EC's poster for Open Mind 2012

            English community is an english organization at my campus, and I as one of the committee in skill improvement especially story telling division. Actually we had many activities and divisions. There are skill improvement divison (debate, speech, storytelling, news casting), enterpreneur divison, public relationship divison, creative team division, etc. Also we had usually agenda in competitions and achievements on Nasional and Internasional. So yesterday we made our first meeting with new students, called Open Mind. Something about "what is EC?", "what we gonna do?', etc. For this event, I became the chief of event. Many things that I must handle it, alhamdulillah this event had been success even if there were some mistakes. We faced many obstacles for prepared the event, started from place, time, the stuffs that we need, meeting all the time, all the night. Little bit tired, but this is the consequence.

skill improvement division :*

creative team division (Left: kak citra, indo, alit, lulu)

one of our meeting for prepared those event :D (I wore yellow hijab)

briefing before we started

after the event, we took picture together with new EC's member

Sorry, for the last picture little bit blurry but hopefully my readers can enjoy it \(^o^)/

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


          I was born on August, 18, 1992 and this year I became 20 years old. That was remind me, that I am not younger anymore. Many responsibility toward my school and all the things that I must handle it.  I got a lot of birthday words, presents from my parents, and also a cake from my mom. Actually when my birthday happened I was on my holiday, so my friends just text me or say it in social media. Honestly, that's ok and I was glad for not being forgotten

         When I am writing this post, I had already 20 years old and one month, and two days ago my best friends gave me supprise party. They are Fitri, Nur and Lupita, if you want to know them, then you can read this one. They gave me a cake with love candles, so pretty. I never got love candles around my cake as long of my life, that's made me touched :')

pretty :')

make a wish (˘⌣˘ʃƪ)

cut the cake ^^

Actually I have a lot of pictures with my friends (Fitri, Nur, Lupita) but unfortunatelly they didn't wore their hijab, so it's imposibble for me to upload it. Regarding the pictures, I had pictures from my social media.

from my twitter @delunee

Not only my friends but also my lecturers and my teachers gave me birthday words

So, that's a little things about my birthday. Thanks for all your attention on my birthday guys (/^o^)/

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Come and go

"People come and go, this reminds that just God who stands still always with us " 
                                                      ~ a Quote from kak Devki ~

Well, I just can't sleep tonight. Trying to make my eyes close but yeah it didn't work, so I keep watching TV and chit chat with my friend. As you know, I spend the night in my friend's boarding house, and two of three friends already sleeping soundly. So what happen with me and my another friend, Alit. She still doing her homework and I get insomia (--_--")

So, let's make it fun. In saturday night, it's means five hours ago, I spend my saturday night in campus because we (English Community) made farewell party for our senior kak Fate who will continue her study at Japan the day after tomorrow. As good juniors, we would made a good impression for her. Honestly, I pretty jealous with her. I think, not only me who feel this kind of feeling. I already trying to get schoolarship in Japan two month ago, but I failed in interview session. If I have another time, I'll make another story about those schoolarship.
Back to the story, all of us took picture and eating together. We gave kak fate the original present from Indonesia, Batik. Hopefully, she will remember Indonesia and especially us. Sadly, I didn't have the photos, yet. So, I just upload old photo with her.


Kak Fate; my senior and also my teacher in Debate and storytelling

Kak Fate and Kak Becky (re: left to the right)

all debaters from Polytechnic Telkom Bandung

dinner together

Basically, we had so much fun. We will miss you kak Fate, be success and keep your hijab ^^
Hopefully we can get those scholarship too, especially me. Aamiin (˘⌣˘ʃƪ)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What is your future house like?

Surely everybody have a dream house is not it? I always imagined my future house with all the furnitures. My house like vintage or old house with white colour and old stuffs. And the most important things of my house should have a little mosque, so all my family can closer with Allah SWT.

Let's check my future house like \(´▽`)/

my bedroom :D

If I turn off the lamp, my bed will be shine ^^

So, it's so simple but looks pretty is not it?!
How about yours?? ~(˘▾˘~)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The next responsibility !!!

my new family in BEM REMA Politeknik Telkom

"New world, new family, new organization and new responsibility". \(^o^)/

        Alhamdulillah, this year I became part of BEM REMA Politeknik Telkom as Secretary. Even if I ever joined in organization like OSIS before, but now it's different. We not think just for our collage but also think about Indonesia citizen, we as the next generation who will lead our beloved country, Indonesia. Yeah this responsibility not easy than before, but I must survive and keep spirit for do all my task and not make all people who believe me feel disappoint. May Allah SWT always give me the power.
        From Februari, 29th 2012 we were became family, untill next year but we will always keep our family until two years later, ten years later and untill we all old. Amin :')
So we can shared with our grandchild that we ever together as family in BEM Kabisat. Let's do the best!!! For Kak Tegar Razzaq W as the president, for kak Agung Sidiq N as the vice president, for all the Menteri kak Dwina Artati, kak Tino Partahadi, Alit Yuniargan, Rifky Mulki, kak Anjar Dwi, kak PrimaAbdul Rahman, kak Audia Inayah, kak Aditya Wardhani, kak Nizar Maftuh Ahnan and all my friends in Kabisat who I can't write one by one. I wanna say "All of you is the best person guys, I proud of you.  Please help me to do all my task in this Kabisat. And may Allah always give the best for us"

Maybe in the next post I will tell you all my friends in Kabisat with new photo. Haha :D


"Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship you really haven't learned anything". ~Muhammad Ali~

          Something precious that you never buy with money or gift is a friend. Best friend who always support you, those who give you advice when you in wrong way, those who know you are. Friend like your sister, help you when you need, really understand what you feel. You lucky if you have people who care about you.

          Far away from my home sweet home, really made me stress but when I found them, my world so brightness again. Sometimes we had a different things, but that was made us to closer than before. They are Safitri Suci Lestari and Nur Amanah Jati. If we together, we could to be crazy people, thought out mind, not feel shame at all. Hahaha. I really thankful to God that I ever knew them, had a good relationship with them.

I'm the only person who normal between them \(^o^)/


 Me, Lupita, Nur, Safitri (from left)

Unpredictable moment and great experiences

"Sometimes you never know when you get the opportunity to join in the competition" 

           And that was happen to me. Finally I'm to be the representative from my campus, joined in the Asia English Olympic (AEO 2012) as storyteller in Binus University, Jakarta. Yeay \(^o^)/. Honestly that was my first time to join in English Competition, you know that I'm not good in English, yet. Hahaha.. But all my seniors always supported me. To be a storyteller, I never thought before. I'm just like read novels or just make a story with my amazing imagination. So I felt shock when I must delivered story with body language, and that was difficult (>.<) I must spent my holiday in Bandung, far away from my home sweet home. The first I was so bored and sad, but again and again my parents gave me supported. Alhamdulillah, I got my spirit again.

          Finally, the day came, February, 13th - 17th 2012. The first time I went to Jakarta, the big city in Indonesia. I just could say "Wawwwww" hahaha.. I met with many people from different college and country. They were from Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. I just afraid to speak English haha, but my seniors always said that "You must try" with their creepy face. Haha *sorry kakakss*. But they were success to make me spoke English everyday. There were 55 participants from Asia, and their English were soooooo good. My first performance not bad, all the judges said that I delivered my story very good even if any some mistake with my spell. We had 3 judges, and I forgot all the name. Hahaha *shoot*. But actually they were the best persons, 2 woman & 1 guy. The first woman was a novel writer, the second was woman who ever join in Asia Organization of Children, and the guy who ever school in Binus University. When the announcement came, I passed into "Breaking Octo". That was really unpredictable, I never thought that I could until breaking octo in Asia. It was like the big 24. For me who never joined in storytelling, that was great progressed. My friends who joined as storyteller were good persons, alay, kind, fuss. hahaa but again and again I forgot all the names. I'm not good in remember so please forgive me guys, but actually I will remember all we have done. Laugh, scream etc :')


That was me who brought "A"

My new friends in AEO 2012, all the storytelles

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hola new world !!!

Hello, my name is Tara Narulita Honora, you can call me Tara or Lita but don't call me Honor hahaa...
This is my new blog with new header, and I made it by myself. I do so love it...
And for now you can find me in my blog, or you can add me in My Facebook, follow my Twitter or read my novels in Wattpad. (^o^)

~Enjoy my blog guys~