Saturday, April 27, 2013

Selamat Jalan

Sering hati ini berkata, jika suatu saat ini terjadi aku pasti kuat,
tapi tak dinaya hati ini berkhianat, ternyata ia tidak mudah menerima.
Seharusnya aku sudah tau dari awal, sejak engkau memberikan tanda,
tapi keegoisan remajalah yang membuatku tak ingin menanggapinya.
Sering kau berkata bahwa umurmu tak panjang lagi.
Sering kali kau ucapkan Alhamdulillah bisa bertemu denganku lagi
dan sambil menangis kau selalu mendoakan .

Tapi sungguh, berita itu terlalu mengejutkan.
Bukannya aku tak ikhlas.
Bukannya aku tak terima.
Tapi ini terlampau cepat, terlampau mendadak.
Bukankah aku berjanji akan membawamu berkunjung ke rumah Allah?
Janji itu masih kosong
Apa kau sudah lelah menunggu janji itu?

Aku tahu semuanya akan kembali lagi KepadaNya, begitu pula engkau.
Dan ini saatnya; jalan yang terbaik yang telah disiapkan Sang Maha Pencipta.

Sekarang engkau tak sakit; tak lagi mengeluh nafasmu tersengal.
Engkau sudah sehat sekarang. 
Tak akan lagi ada obat-obatan yang harus kau minum setiap harinya.
Hei, engkau sudah sehat kan?
Benar, kau sudah sehat
Sekarang aku tak mau menangis.
Aku berjanji tak akan ada air mata lagi.
Aku tegar dan aku ikhlas.

Innalillahi rojiun...
Innalillahi rojiun...
Innalillahi rojiun...

Meski duniaku dan duniamu kini sudah berbeda
Meski aku tak bisa mengantar engkau ke tempat peristirahatan
tapi aku percaya pada akhirnya kita akan berjumpa 
tentunya di Surga sang Khalid
Surganya Allah bersama para Nabi dan sahabat-sahabatnya
Aamiin ya rabbal alamin.

Selamat Jalan...
Selamat Jalan Mbah Kong-ku sayang, kakek terhebat
Lita sayang mbah Kong, terima kasih sudah merawat Lita selama 20 tahun ini.
Terima kasih.....

16 April 2013
9.00 PM

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Will you marry me?

It's been a long since my last story, I was busy. February, 18, 2013 my new semester will be started and I never realized that time went so fast. Almost 2 years I lived in Bandung, it means now I am semester 4 and that means I have 2 semester again before I end my Diploma. Today, I just imagined how someone will propose for me to marry with him someday haha. Yeah, since I decided to not  be engaged with someone because I do believe Allah SWT has been choose my best mate and I just need to wait him come to me. Another reason is because my religion prohibit me to do so. Marry will prove seriousness, because a true man will not ask you to be his girlfriend. So, here my Q&A about what I want as a woman when a man ask me to marry him.

Q : Do you have a special characteristics?
A : Basically, it's same with another woman. He should have same faith with me (Islam), fluent reading Al-Qur'an and good in shalat. That's the important things he should have. But if you asked me about the physical, it'll different. I don't know, I love when a man wear suit, tie, and shirt. They look wise, mature, smart, charming and handsome haha. Ahhh it's hard to explain, so many things that I want haha. But maybe physically almost as Lee Seung Gi oppa, he really my type. He is clever, good looking, diligent and many more.

Q : So Tara, what kinds of propose do you really want?
A : Of course, the romantic proposal haha. He should give me a bouquet of rose, a ring and he will bring me in restaurant for candle light dinner. He plays a piano and sing "Will you marry me" by Lee Seung Gi oppa. Ahhh it'll be interesting and unforgetable ^_^

He said "Saranghanda Tara-ssi" :*

Gomaweoyo I  monnan nal saranghaejweoseo
Yaps, that's the basic things I really want in my future. I don't know who will be my future mate, I just wanna tell him that I will waiting for him and do the best for being his wife. 
Do your best efforts when you ask me to marry you :D 

Monday, November 12, 2012

That's why I am here now

What are you thinking if I told you about "Petualangan Sherina" ?! Did you recognize it?! Yeah, that's the title of Indonesian children film. When I was in Elementary School, actually I forget the exactly my age at that time but the thing that I remember is I ever watch this movie with my family. That was my first time seeing a movie on cinema. We should took queue, and waiting for so long.

I ever had this one when I was in Elementary School, and now I don't know where this gone :'(

       The first impression that I got from this film was how beautiful the sceneries haha, I do really love it at the very first place with the sets. And that time, I knew where the pictures took place. That was Bandung, one of Province in Indonesia, they called it "Kota Kembang". Tacitly, in my deep down heart I said that one day I'll go to there, continued my study and visited that place. Maybe this is The Power of Dreaming, Allah decided me to come in Bandung, continuing my school. Alhamdulillah :)

        Yeah, this film successfully made me to dream high and Allah proved it. Although it just little hope. Meanwhile, there is few places I should visit such as Boscha. Do you know how really I love Boscha??? The answer is indeed I love it. Because I like seeing the stars and I love staring at the night sky ♥♥♥
That's made me felt so grateful and remind me that Allah still love me by giving chance everyday to see His Beautiful night. Even though I still didn't have any chance to go to there yet, but as soon as possible I'll be there, aamiin (^o^)9

 ♥ Boscha I'm in love ♥ ;)